May 2015 Minutes
- Cameras
- Are in hand and will be put up soon.
- Gate
- Discussion was held about placing an opener on the second gate.
- Shawn Cox made a motion to put an opener on the second gate with a maximum of $1,000 Second Mike Dachko: passed.
- Furnace
- The officers discussed and brought to the club the idea of purchasing a new furnace. Estimates will be brought back to the members.
- Digging
- The officers discussed some ditches that need dug such as a culvert and conduit. An estimate will be brought back to the club.
- Fence
- The fence was redone outside the club by the patio.
- Audit
- The audit will be placed on hold due to the chairman stepping down because of illness.
- We must get these done, volunteers are needed for this.
- Beaver County Conservation Sportsmen’s League
- The nominating committee suggested Shawn Cox and Ev Gower for Delegate and Alternate Delegate.
- Skip Veiock Nominated Shawn Cox seconded by Mike Dachko. Shawn accepted.
- Wayne Hochar closed the nominations and Skip Veiock seconded it. Passed
- Secretary cast ballot.
- Mike Dachko made a motion to have Jerry Tillia as a temporary alternate delegate seconded by Ev Gower.
- Skip Veiock made a motion to close nominations seconded by Ev Gower. Passed
- Secretary cast ballot. Passed
New Business:
- Wayne Hochar made a motion to reimburse Jerry Tillia $4.22 for keys, manual keys, made for the kitchen seconded by Skip Veiock. Passed.
- A key will be given to the rifle team.
- Big Knob Fair
- Discussion was held about having a table at the fair. Will be placed on hold until next meeting.
- Keys
- There will be hard keys made for the outside doors.
New Members:
John Szydel
Skip Veiock
made a motion to accept the two new members and Ev Gower seconded it:
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