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About us and Contact Us

How We Started
1946 heralded the beginning of the Koppel - Big Beaver Sportsmen’s Association.  Without any property, a group of twenty men who believed in sportsmanship joined forces and held their first meeting at the Koppel Borough Building.  In 1951 Koppel- Big Beaver Sportsmen’s Association purchased 60 acres and decided that the first project of the club would be to build a corncrib to hold the PA Game Commission grown corn.  The corn was intended for the feeding of wild game.  Shortly after, the Association built a range and clubhouse.   Currently, the Association owns 312 acres, featuring the original clubhouse with a newly remodeled kitchen, picnic shelter and garage.  The “old corn crib” is still on the property.

Enjoy The Ranges
The Koppel Big-Beaver Sportsmen’s Association boasts four ranges.  The main range located outdoors is two hundred fifty yards with a thirty-five foot back stop.  One additional specialty ranges allow our members to participate in turkey shoot competitions and Ladies Practical Shooting Practice .  The indoor range located in our fully air conditioned clubhouse, is fifty foot and allows members and guests to enjoy target shooting (Indoor range, 9mm maximum, no jackets, no magnums).  Currently under construction is a new trap range; we invite new members to come try their hand at “trap shooting

Membership Benefits

As a member of the Koppel- Big Beaver Sportsmen’s Association, you will have full access to the facilities and grounds.  You can enjoy the grounds for target practice, hiking, picnicking, and hunting or if you have a competitive spirit join in on the CMP shoots, rifle team or turkey shoots.  Club members can also participate in the annual club dinner and picnic, family members included.  Club members also have the ability to rent the club house for their party needs. A Club website and emails keeps club members aware of upcoming events. 

2023-2024 Officers 
President: Jerry Tillia
Vice-President: Dick Logan
Secretary: Jessica Tillia-Tressler
Treasurer: Jim Tillia
Ed Mangerie
Jim Skoczylas
Walt Kazenski
Bud Hackett
Wayne Hoschar

Email address:
For Mailing address please email for the appropriate address

GPS Address: Koppel Big Beaver Sportsmen's Assoc.
665 Norwood Drive
Koppel, Pa 16136

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