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Showing posts from September, 2011

September Meeting Highlights

Turkey shoot They are going very well Poker Shoot Shooting will start at 2:00 PM Membership requirements Membership requirements still need set. Will start this at next officers meeting Look for the turkey shoot add in the bargin bulletin  Range Rules Kelly Newman made a motion to keep outdoor and indoor range rules as is seconded by Bud Hacket. By-laws and Constitution Attorney made suggestions on the by-laws and constitution. Kelly Newman made a motion to accept the attorneys suggestions for the by-laws and constitution seconded by Don Sapp: Passed T here was a motion to do the work duty give away for this year again. Election of officers was held.

Turkey Shoot

Turkey Shoots Wednesdays 7 pm Starting: September 14      Koppel-Big Beaver Sportsmen’s Association Norwood Drive, just north of the Beaver Falls Holiday Inn “Factory field grade full choke maximum” 12-20 gauge Meat Prizes For more information call:   724-652-9758

A Members Email

I currently had a member email me recently about the turkey shoots. I wanted to bring this to everyone attention.... Q: Hi, just a question, someone asked me if there would be youth shoots?   And how much per shot? Thank you! A: We do not have youth shoots, however there are many kids that do shoot during the turkey shoots. We tend to be kid friendly, our officers are very kid oriented because we feel they are our future.... I hope this helps! Also it costs $3.00 a shot Just wanted to point out that turkey shoots are on Wednesday nights starting at 7:00pm! Of course I will send a reminder!

Poker Shoot

TODAY! Rimfire Poker Shoot Koppel-Big Beaver Sportsman’s Association IT”S SHOOTING, POKER AND CASH !!   IT’S FUN ! September 25th 2:00 P.M - ??? Bring your rimfire (loaner guns available, pistols OK). Bring your own shells or buy ours. Shoot 3 times at targets of face down playing cards. Best 3 cards win the hand (no straights or flushes). ***** Cash prizes ***** Rifle or pistol, scopes or open sights - - no elaborate shooting or poker skills needed!!! Plan to spend the day !!! Held at Koppel Big Beaver Sportsmen’s Association, 665 Norwood Drive (old route 18) between Koppel and Big Beaver Holiday Inn ALSO:   FOOD / 50-50 Drawing For more info, call 724-622-5418

Poker Shoot

Rimfire Poker Shoot Koppel-Big Beaver Sportsman’s Association IT”S SHOOTING, POKER AND CASH !!   IT’S FUN ! September 25th 2:00 P.M - ???        Bring your rimfire (loaner guns available, pistols OK). Bring your own shells or buy ours. Shoot 3 times at targets of face down playing cards. Best 3 cards win the hand (no straights or flushes). ***** Cash prizes ***** Rifle or pistol, scopes or open sights - - no elaborate shooting or poker skills needed!!! Plan to spend the day !!! Held at Koppel Big Beaver Sportsmen’s Association, 665 Norwood Drive (old route 18) between Koppel and Big Beaver Holiday Inn ALSO:   FOOD / 50-50 Drawing For more info, call 724-622-5418

Poker Shoot

Rimfire Poker Shoot Koppel-Big Beaver Sportsman’s Association IT”S SHOOTING, POKER AND CASH !!  IT’S FUN ! September 25th 2:00 P.M - ??? Bring your rimfire (loaner guns available, pistols OK). Bring your own shells or buy ours. Shoot 3 times at targets of face down playing cards. Best 3 cards win the hand (no straights or flushes). ***** Cash prizes ***** Rifle or pistol, scopes or open sights - - no elaborate shooting or poker skills needed!!! Plan to spend the day !!! Held at Koppel Big Beaver Sportsmen’s Association, 665 Norwood Drive (old route 18) between Koppel and Big Beaver Holiday Inn ALSO:   FOOD / 50-50 Drawing For more info, call 724-622-5418


Hello Everyone! Club meeting Thursday September 22 starting at 7PM This meeting we will be having election of officers Turkey shoot Wednesday September 21 starting at 7PM Dues are due !!!!

Turkey Shoot

Turkey Shoots Wednesdays 7 pm Starting: September 14      Koppel-Big Beaver Sportsmen’s Association Norwood Drive, just north of the Beaver Falls Holiday Inn “Factory field grade full choke maximum” 12-20 gauge Meat Prizes For more information call:   724-652-9758

August Meeting Highlights

Trap house Everything is done; trees are down, solar charger in. The last step that needs done is to set the thrower in. We are still discussing how to issue keys. Range Towels Range towels are for sale $5.00 each T-shirts are still being discussed Poker shoot Larry Tooch made the motion to have a poker shoot September 25 2012 at 2pm. Jimmy Skoczylas second: Passed. Membership requirements Kelly Newman made a motion to close the membership temporary to new members and to establish membership requirements seconded by Woody Hazen: Passed Christmas Party Rene Baldwin made a motion to have a Christmas party details will be discussed later seconded by Kelly Newman

Turkey Shoot

Turkey Shoots Wednesdays 7 pm      Koppel-Big Beaver Sportsmen’s Association Norwood Drive, just north of the Beaver Falls Holiday Inn “Factory field grade full choke maximum” 12-20 gauge Meat Prizes For more information call:   724-652-9758

Fundraiser Committee

Tonight is the fundraiser meeting. It starts at 6PM. Please discard the email I sent you yesterday. Once again the meeting starts tonight at 6pm

Fundraiser Meeting

Reminder! Tomorrow night is the fundraiser meeting. Anyone interested in going please be there by 7:00PM