If you would like to download a copy of our by-laws and constitution please go here: By-Laws and Constitution
Koppel - Big Beaver Sportsmen’s Association
Amended and Restated Constitution
House and Range Rules
As of January 23, 2019
Norwood Drive, Big Beaver Borough,
Pennsylvania, USA
“Good Sportsmen set good
Article I
Section 1. Any
member may be suspended from membership for a period of time to be
determined by the Executive Board
for a reason of which in its opinion warrants such action.
Section 2. A member in good standing means one who is
current in the payment of dues and any fees owed to the Association.
Section 3. Only
members who are in good standing shall have the right to vote on issues at the general
membership meetings.
Section 4. A
member must be in good standing for the three (3) previous years to vote: at an
election of officers for the Association, on financial matters over one
thousand dollars ($1000.00), on legal matters, and on Constitution and/or
By-Law changes.
Article II
Officer’s Duties
Section 1. It shall be the duty of the president to
preside at all meetings of this Association and call special meetings when
necessary. The president shall sign all
official documents pertaining to the business of this Association. The president shall appoint chairmen to all
necessary committees and is an ex-officio member of all committees.
Section 2. The vice-president shall preside at meetings
during the absence of the president or when the president shall debate a
question on the floor during a meeting.
Section 3. The
secretary shall keep an accurate record of all meetings of this
Association. The secretary shall conduct
all correspondence and clerical work. The
secretary shall read all letters of communications at the meetings and have same
voted upon when necessary.
Section 4. The treasurer shall receive all money and
deposit it in an accredited bank in the name of this Association. The treasurer shall pay all approved
bills. The treasurer will keep a record
of all money expended and received and submit a written monthly financial
statement. The treasurer shall keep his
books in such order that an audit may be made at any time. The treasurer shall
give a monthly report of this Association's financial business.
Section 5. The directors shall hold acting power over
emergency maintenance of property, renting of club grounds and buildings, and
meeting dates of sponsored organizations.
The directors shall have the power to expend a sum not exceeding three
hundred dollars ($300.00) by a majority vote of the directors, without the vote
of the membership. The directors shall
regulate and enforce all house rules.
Section 6. Only elected officers have the power to
purchase goods or services for this Association and all such purchases must be
countersigned by the officer making the purchase.
Article III
Section 1. At the first meeting of each year, the
president shall appoint a chairman to each of the following committees:
- Auditing Committee: This committee shall audit the books of the treasurer at the end of each fiscal year or whenever it is requested by the membership and they shall make a report of the audit to the membership.
- Game Committee: This committee shall aid in the feeding and releasing of game and shall assist with any county or state programs.
- Fish Committee: This committee shall aid in the release of fish in any county or state programs.
- Nominations and Election Committee: This committee will conduct the nomination and election process for election of officers.
- Junior Sportsmen Committee: This committee will aid in providing a suitable program for the persons under age 18 who are not eligible for membership in this Association due to age.
- Program Committee: This committee shall provide entertainment for the Association's meetings.
Section 2. The chairman of each committee may appoint
the number of members to his committee as he deems sufficient to accomplish the
duties of his committee.
Article IV
Election of Officers
Section 1. Officers
shall be elected at the membership annual meeting in September of each year and
shall serve for the term described in Article IV, Sections 2 and 3 of the
Constitution or until relieved by their successors.
Section 2. No
member shall be eligible for election as an officer unless:
The Member has been a continuous
member in good standing for a period of three (3) years immediately preceding the
Member has attended a
minimum of six (6) meetings a year in each of the three (3) years immediately
preceding the election.
Meetings which a member was
prevented from attending due to regularly scheduled employment, service in
Armed Forces of the United States, sickness which confines, or death in the
immediate family, shall not be counted as meetings held in determining such
members eligibility under this section, provided that the member shall have the
burden of proving inability to attend for one of the prescribed reasons.
Section 3. The
procedure for nominations for officer positions is as follows:
Members intending to
run for an officer position must declare their candidacy to the Nominations and
Elections Committee no later than the regular member meeting held in August
immediately preceding the election.
The Nominations and
Elections Committee will accept nominations from the floor at the regular
member meeting held in August immediately preceding the election.
The Nominations and
Elections Committee will verify acceptance of nomination and membership
eligibility for all candidates prior to the elections in September.
Section 4. The
procedure for election of officers is as follows:
If there is more than
one candidate running for an officer position, the Nominations and Elections Committee
will conduct a secret ballot election.
The committee will verify membership status and eligibility of voters, provide
eligible voters a ballot to cast their vote(s), and provide the official tallies
to the membership. The candidate
receiving the largest number of votes cast shall be elected to that office.
If there is only one candidate
running for an officer position, upon verification of eligibility, the
Nominations and Elections Committee will declare that candidate as elected by
Section 5. A vacancy in any
office shall be filled by election at the next regular member meeting. The Nominations and Elections Committee will
accept nominations from the floor and follow the procedure for elections as
defined in these By-Laws, Article II, Section 4.
Article V
Removal of Officers
Section 1. Any elected officer that does not perform the duties
prescribed to him in these by-laws of the Koppel-Big Beaver Sportsmen’s
Association, shall be relieved of his duties.
Normal procedure for removal is by motioning, seconding, and a majority vote
of the members present at any regular meeting of the KBBSA, or by voluntary
resignation. Any officer relieved of his
duties may appeal the dismissal at that or the next regular meeting. Any member may appeal for the officer relieved
of his duties. Nominations and elections
will be made at the meeting of the first action, pending an appeal.
Article VI
Association Business and Expenditures
Section 1. Majority vote shall decide all propositions placed before
the membership at meetings.
Section 2. The expenditure of three hundred dollars ($300.00) or more
by this organization must have the approval of the majority of the
Article VII
Section 1. The annual dues, initiation fee, and key charges, may be
adjusted annually prior to the September meeting to go into effect at the
September meeting.
Section 2. Adjustments
to the annual dues, initiation fee, and key charges will be proposed by the
Executive Board for vote by the membership no later than May 30th
for the upcoming year.
Section 3. Dues shall become payable on the first day of September of
each year.
Article VIII
Political Position
Section 1. Sportsmen point with pride to the fact that the game and
fish funds, created through the license fee system, is in no sense a tax. They should insist that the Game and Fish
Commissions be kept free of political influence. This Association shall therefore set the
example by opposing any political influence in these two Commissions.
Section 2. Political discussions are strictly forbidden at meetings of
this Association.
Article IX
Alcohol Policy
Section 1. Alcoholic beverages shall not be a part of any activity
that includes shooting or solely to increase the finances of the
Association. Alcohol may only be a part,
by vote of the membership, of picnics or club house parties for which a
committee has been appointed to control such a specified occasion.
Article X
Section 1. Propositions
to repeal, alter, add to, or amend any of the foregoing articles of these
By-laws must be in writing and presented at a regular meeting of the
Association. The proposed amendments
will be voted on by the membership at the regular meeting scheduled three (3)
months after the proposal was made.
Section 2. Proposed
amendments will be posted on the Association’s bulletin board with the date of
the scheduled vote noted.
Article XI
Section 1. No real property owned by this Association
can be sold, leased, mortgaged or transferred nor shall any rights of way be
granted without the majority approval of the membership of this Association.
Section 2. If at any time this Association desires to be
dissolved, the Executive Board shall recommend dissolution to the membership. (Dissolution
can only be realized with the written consent of not less than three fourths
(3/4) of the membership at that time.) If dissolution is approved by the members, the
Executive Board shall proceed with an orderly liquidation. After payment of all debts and liabilities of
this Association, all properties and other assets of the Association will be
donated to the Pennsylvania Game Commission in existence at the time of such
Article XII
Limitation of Liability
the fullest extent that the laws of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, as in
effect on the date of the adoption of this Article IX or as such laws are
thereafter amended, permit elimination or limitation of the liability of directors,
no director of the Association shall be personally liable as such for monetary
damages for any action taken, or any failure to take any action, as a director. Specifically, a director shall not be
personally liable for monetary damages, unless (1) the director has breached or
failed to perform the duties of his office and (2) the breach or failure to
perform constitutes self-dealing, willful misconduct or recklessness. Any amendment or repeal of this Article IX or
adoption of any other provision of these By-laws and Constitution or the Association’s
Articles of Incorporation which has the effect of increasing director liability
shall operate prospectively only and shall not have any effect with respect to
any action taken, or failure to act, prior to the adoption of such amendment,
repeal or other provision.
performing his duties, a director may rely in good faith upon information,
opinions, reports or statements, including financial statements and other
financial data, prepared or presented by (i) one or more officers or employees
of the Association whom the director reasonably believes to be reliable and
competent in the matters presented, or (ii) counsel, public accountants or
other persons as to matters which the director reasonably believes to be within
the professional or expert competence of such person, or (iii) a committee of
the Board upon which the director does not serve, duly designated in accordance
with law, as to matters within its designated authority, which committee the director
reasonably believes to merit confidence.
A director shall not be considered to be acting in good faith, however,
if such director has knowledge concerning a matter which would cause his
reliance on any of the foregoing to be unwarranted.
discharging the duties of their respective positions, the Executive Board,
committees of the Executive Board and individual directors may, in considering
the best interests of the Association, consider the effects of any action upon
employees, upon suppliers of the Association and upon communities in which
offices or other establishments of the Association are located, and all other
pertinent factors. The consideration of
those factors shall not constitute a violation of such person’s fiduciary
standard of care. In addition, absent
breach of fiduciary duty, lack of good faith or self-dealing, actions taken by
a director or any failure to take any action shall be presumed to be in the
best interests of the Association.
Article XII shall not apply to a director’s responsibility or liability under
any criminal statute or a director’s liability for payment of taxes under any
local, state or federal law.
Article XIII
Section 1. Judgments, Fines, Settlements and Expenses.
Association shall indemnify any person who was or is a party or is threatened
to be made a party to any threatened, pending or completed action, suit or
proceeding, whether civil, criminal, administrative or investigative by reason
of the fact that such person is or was a director, officer, employee or agent
of the Association or is or was serving at the request of the Association as a director,
officer, employee or agent of another Association, partnership, joint venture,
trust or other enterprise, against expenses (including attorneys’ fees),
judgments, fines and amounts paid in settlement actually and reasonably
incurred by such person in connection with such action, suit or proceeding if
the act or failure to act giving rise to the claim for indemnification is not
determined by a court to have constituted willful misconduct or recklessness.
Section 2. Expenses.
the extent that a director, officer, employee or agent of the Association has
been successful on the merits or otherwise in defense of any action, suit or
proceeding referred to in Section 1 of this Article XIII or in defense of any
claim, issue or matter therein, such person shall also be indemnified against
expenses (including attorneys’ fees) actually and reasonably incurred by such
person in connection therewith.
Section 3. Advancement
of Expenses.
incurred in defending a civil or criminal action, suit or proceeding may be
paid by the Association in advance of the final disposition of such action,
suit or proceeding upon receipt of an undertaking by or on behalf of the
director, officer, employee or agent to repay such amount if it shall
ultimately be determined that such person is not entitled to be indemnified by
the Association pursuant to this Article XIII.
Section 4. Nonexclusivity
of Article XIII.
indemnification provided by this Article XIII shall not be deemed exclusive of
any other rights to which those seeking indemnification may be entitled and
shall continue as to a person who has ceased to be a director, officer,
employee or agent of the Association and shall inure to the benefit of the
heirs, executors and administrators of such a person.
Article I
Organization Name
Section 1. This organization shall be known as the Koppel-Big Beaver Sportsmen’s Association (KBBSA).
Article II
Purpose and Non-Profit Status
The general purposes and powers of
this Association are set forth below:
Section 1. The purpose of this Association shall be to
unite all sportsmen and sportswomen in this area and surrounding areas for the
protection and promotion of the community's interests in good marksmanship,
safe handling of firearms, community fishing and gaming resources, and the
interests of the community's sportsmen and sportswomen in general.
Section 2. The purposes for which this Association is organized are
exclusively for social welfare purposes within the meaning of Section 501(c)(4)
of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended (the "Code"), and
the Regulations promulgated thereunder as they now exist or as they may
hereafter be amended.
Section 3. Notwithstanding any other provision of these
Articles of Incorporation, the Executive Board of this Association shall not
engage, participate or intervene in any activity or transaction that is not
permitted to be carried on by a corporation exempt from federal income tax
under Section 501(c)(4) of the Code or the corresponding provisions of any
future United States Internal Revenue law.
Section 4. No part of the net earnings shall inure to the benefit of
any private shareholder or individual.
Article III
Section 1. General Membership
Any United States
citizen, who is 18 years of age or older, is eligible for membership.
Prospective new members
are subject to the guidelines detailed in KBBSA’s Membership Plan.
Section 2. Honorary Membership
A member will be
considered for Honorary Membership status after being a member in good standing
the previous (10) years, AND the
member is eligible to receive social security benefits, OR when the Executive Board recommends the member.
All Honorary
memberships shall exist from year to year and shall be considered as a member
in good standing.
Article IV
Officers/Executive Board
Section 1. Elected officers of this Association shall
consist of the President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, and five (5)
Directors. These persons shall
constitute the Executive Board. The
Executive Board shall oversee the management of the Association.
Section 2. The President, Vice President, Secretary, and
Treasurer will serve two (2) year terms with the President and Secretary being
elected in even years and the Vice President and Treasurer being elected in odd
years. The Delegates will serve one (1)
year terms.
Section 3. The Directors shall be elected to serve a
term of five (5) years, with one (1) Director elected every one (1) year.
Article V
Section 1. Regular meetings of the members shall be held on the
fourth (4th) Thursday of each month with the exception of November
and December; when Thanksgiving and Christmas days conflict, meeting nights
shall be on the Third (3rd) Thursday of those months.
Section 2. Special meetings shall be called by the President when
Article VI
Section 1. At any
regular or special meeting of the members, ten (10) members of the voting
organization shall constitute a quorum and are permitted to transact any
business that may come before them.
Article VII
Section 1. Propositions
to repeal, alter, add to, or amend any of the foregoing articles of this
Constitution must be in writing and presented at a regular meeting of the
Association. The proposed amendments
will be voted on by the membership at the regular meeting scheduled three (3)
months after the proposal was made.
Section 2. Proposed amendments
will be posted on the Association’s bulletin board with the date of the scheduled
vote noted.
Anyone using the clubhouse
or grounds when leaving must:
Clean area when done
Lock all doors
Turn furnace down to 50
Turn AC off
Turn lights off
Close windows
Lock gate
Remove refuse from property
2. All
clubhouse activities must cease by 1am.
3. Any member destroying club property will be discharged from this
4. Any
member or person found using firearms on club property while
intoxicated will be told to leave the grounds.
Disciplinary action to follow.
5. Speed not
to exceed 10mph on club grounds.
6. Gambling is
not permitted.
7. Only
members and guests accompanied by a member are permitted on shooting
ranges. Guests are expected to join this
Association after two (2) visits.
“Good Sportsmen Set Good Examples”
8. Lending
of club keys is grounds for dismissal from this Association.
9. There
are to be no Quads or dirt bikes on club grounds without the Executive Boards
10. There is to be no shooting from the tower.
11. No vehicles allowed anywhere but on the
driveways and parking areas.
12. Indoor
range, 40mm maximum, no jackets, no magnums.
13. If
an accident occurs, material or personal, please notify an officer as soon as
possible. Officer names and phone
numbers are listed in the clubhouse.
“Good Sportsmen Set Good Examples”
Koppel - Big
Beaver Sportsmen’s Association
Outdoor Range Rules:
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of 1
1: Absolutely no fully
automatic or rapid fire on the outdoor range.
2: No alcohol permitted on
club grounds while shooting activities are in progress.
3: Tables 1, 2, and 3 are to
be used for the 250, 200, 150 and 100 yard targets. (Tables numbered left to right when sitting.)
4: Tables 4, 5 and 6 are to
be used for the 75, 50 and 25 yard targets.
5: The 12 ½ yard target may
be used from table 1 or standing outside the left side of the building
immediately beside table 1.

6: Do not cross fire. Example: table 1 shooting at the 100 yard
target and table 3 shooting at the 250 yard target.
7: Any spinners or portable targets must be
placed in front of an existing target.
8: If you observe any unsafe
actions, notify an officer immediately. (Names and numbers posted in the
9: If you bring it, take it
home. Burning pit for paper only, do not leave fire unattended.
10: Youth under 16 must be
accompanied by an adult 21 or over.
11: The member is responsible
for his guest. Two guest per member
maximum per visit. Please note: Guests are permitted two visits, after this,
they must join to use facilities.
12. No Shooting After dusk
and before dawn without permission from the Assoc.
These rules were established
by the Executive Board and approved by the membership of the KBBSA on 1-24-08
in conjunction with a NRA Range Survey.
to comply with these rules will mean automatic revocation of membership privileges!
“Good Sportsmen Set Good Examples”
Koppel - Big
Beaver Sportsmen’s Association
Indoor Range Rules:
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of 1
- Hearing and eye protection recommended
- Indoor range, 40mm maximum, no jackets, no magnums.
- No metal jackets or magnum loads
- Muzzles must be pointed down range at all times
- Firearms must be unloaded with action’s open when anyone is down range
- Clean up all empty brass and clean up targets from range
- Turn down heat to 50 degrees and turn lights off
- Any accidental shots in ceiling or lights must be reported to an officer or director
- Do not throw live rounds or misfired rounds in trash cans
- Anyone abusing any club rules will be dismissed from using the club ranges and facilities until reviewed by the executive board.
These rules were established by the Executive Board
and approved by the membership of the KBBSA on December 2009
to comply with these rules will mean automatic revocation of membership privileges!
“Good Sportsmen Set Good Examples”