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Showing posts from August, 2011


Just a friendly reminder we are still accepting dues! Keep posted in the next few days the website will be update with new information and also updates from Aug meeting!


Hey Everyone, Just wanted to say thank you to all of you who came and joined us at the Poker Shoot on Sunday. Even with the rain I really did enjoy my self. Just wanted to give a few reminders and updates 1. Club Meeting this Thursday at 7PM 2. Please make sure to renew your dues 3. KBBSA is on facebook, we are up to 8 people likeing our page 4. another little tid bit... I now added us to twitter so if you happen to have a twitter account instead of a facebook account follow us under Miss. T Have a great Night!

Poker Shoot

Hey Everyone, Just another reminder.... Poker shoot this Sunday!!!! Please check out the flyer located on the website! Have a great Day~

Poker Shoot and Dues

Hey everyone, Just a reminder: The Poker shoot will be held this weekend on August 21. Please watch the mail for a flyer and please go to our website in order to down load the flyer! Also, watch your mail for your renewal forms! Please make sure to send those back to me by September 30!

Poker Shoot

Hey Everyone, Just wanted to remind you that the poker shoot will be on August 21!!!!!!!  (Below is the flyer!!!) Poker Shoot


Hello Everyone, I have revived a few emails concerning renewal forms. I wanted to let everyone know that I will be sending out the forms very shortly. Once you receive the form in the mail please fill the form out completely and send it back to me with your money. Of course if you rather come to a meeting and hand in your dues you are more than welcome! Another reminder, I can not send keys threw the mail! I understand this is a complete inconvenience however, due to the type of card reader we have we can not send them with out getting damaged. If anyone plans on joining in the coming months please remember this! Have a great day!

Fundraiser Committee

Good Afternoon everyone! I wanted to remind everyone that tonight is the fundraiser meeting. The topic of discussion will be the poker shoot! If you are interested in helping that day please come today and get all the information you will need!! ~Cheers


Hello Everyone, I first off wanted to apologise for being a day late on this, it has been very hectic my way. I wanted to let everyone know that the INDOOR RANGE WILL BE CLOSED from Monday August 1 to Monday August 8. Volunteer opportunity: Thursday August 4 at 5:00pm we will be painting the floor with a top coat. If anyone is interested in helping and putting there name in for the gun drawling this would be a perfect opportunity. Reminder: You only have two more months to get your name in for the drawing! The drawing for the gun will be held at the September meeting. Do not forget: Those of you on Facebook.... Come on over to the Koppel Big Beaver Sportsmen's page and like us! Have a great evening!!!