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Scholarship Award

Scholarship Award

KBBSA is giving away a scholarship to a student who will be attending a posts secondary school this coming fall! If you have any questions please feel free to email:

Scholarships are intended for our future leaders across a wide spectrum of fields of study. This award is available to high school seniors who will be attending post secondary education.  This award is intended to build and foster learning. 
Scholarships are based on good character, community service and academic stability.

Students will be awarded $500.00 per year towards tuition as long as they are enrolled in the institution of Post Secondary Learning in which they were accepted.

Maximum Award per individual $2000.00

Student must provide proof of grades in June of each year to be eligible for the following year’s award.  Student must maintain a grade point average of 2.8 to receive yearly award.

Scholarship funds will be issued directly to the recipients Post Secondary Institution.
Please click here for complete scholarship guidelines: KBBSA Scholarship


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