Ed Mangerie: CMP is starting to get ready for their competition.
Bud Hacket: We have the scholarship award information if anyone is
interested please see Bud Hacket, Jerry Tillia or Jessica Tressler. We have the
information here and on the internet.
- Conservation Camp: will be held 6/21/15-6/27/15
- Youth Field Day: will be held 7/18/15
- Hereford Manor Lake: generates 25% of the fishing licenses sales, brought $12 million into the economy and was the most fished lake in the state. The citizen group will work to raise $150,000 to help repair the dam.
- If anyone would like to see a copy of the minutes please see Shawn Cox.
- Ev Grower is being reimbursed $31.77 for material to put up our plaques and pictures.
- Big Knob Fair
- It was decided that we will not be having a table at the fair this year.
- Audits
- It is reminded that we need volunteers to do our audit!
New Business:
- Earth Pipe line has contacted us concerning placing a pipe line on our property. If this is approved they will be following the power line, this would not affect the way we use the property. More information is being sent to us and will be discussed at the officers meeting.
- A motion was made by Ev Gower to pay Arnett Carbis Toothman $1100.00 for completing our taxes seconded by Shawn Cox. Passed.
- Dick Logan made a motion to spend $75 on door prizes for Youth Field day seconded by Wayne Hochar. Passed. Ideas are welcome for the door prizes.
- July 13 Antlerless doe tags go on sale and it is also reminded that the first week of “deer” season is buck only.
Reminder Next meeting is July 23, 2015 at 7pm
Have a great day
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