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September's Meeting Highlights

Looking into buying more targets for turkey shoot.

Lights on the turkey shoot range are not bright enough. A member will be in charge of replacing lights

Turkey Shoots: Help is lacking. Shoots are going well.
Haunted Attraction: October 19,20,21 6pm-7pm child hour and 7:00pm-11:30 full scare and black out maze. Beverages will be provided.

PA Rifle and Pistol: Dues are up. A motion made by to renew: Did not carry

Koppel-Big Beaver Sportsmen’s Assoc.
Election of officers
As a reminder there will be no election for Vice President and Treasure. These are two-year terms. Also we will only hold election of one director.

The nominating committee chairman was Kim Wagner.

Jerry Tillia was nominated for President: accept
Secretary cast ballot

Jessica Tressler was nominated for secretary: accept
Secretary cast ballot

Jimmy S was nominated for Director: accept
Secretary cast ballot

County League:
Shawn Cox was nominated for County League: accept
Secretary cast ballot


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