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January BCSCL Highlights

For the first time in its 122 year history, the PGC will call its Wildlife Conservation Officers “State Game Wardens.” This became effective 1/1/2018
Numerous beaver complaints have come in. The cold/ice has slowed trapping down. After the weather warms up, trapping activity should increase. Matt coordinates the trappers with the land owners who want the beaver removed.

There was a drowning at Lake Arthur in Moraine State Park last month. The victim made a number of mistakes that cost him his life. He was out by himself, the ice was too thin and he didn’t have a life jacket on. If he would have had a life jacket on, he could have survived
Officer Allen emphasized how important it is to be careful with ice activities. 
• Have a minimum of 4” of clear ice. 
 • Always have another person with you.
• Have a throwable flotation device, a rope and ice awls

Mike Harcher Game Report
HB-359 permits a hunter who mistakenly takes illegal game to not suffer the revocation of their hunting license if they turn themselves into the PGC
HR-4454 Chronic Wasting Disease Management Act. To develop and implement management strategies to address chronic wasting disease among deer, elk, and moose populations


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