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Showing posts from February, 2018

February Highlights

Bids for the indoor range ducted work are being taken. Tractor: A motion was made to reimburse Jarrett Wagner for tractor tires: Passed Haunted House : An idea for this fall was brought up to have a haunted house on our property. The gentleman that brought the idea up is asked to come to the next meeting with his ideas.

January BCSCL Highlights

January BCSCL REPORT Game For the first time in its 122 year history, the PGC will call its Wildlife Conservation Officers “State Game Wardens.” This became effective 1/1/2018 Numerous beaver complaints have come in. The cold/ice has slowed trapping down. After the weather warms up, trapping activity should increase. Matt coordinates the trappers with the land owners who want the beaver removed. Fish There was a drowning at Lake Arthur in Moraine State Park last month. The victim made a number of mistakes that cost him his life. He was out by himself, the ice was too thin and he didn’t have a life jacket on. If he would have had a life jacket on, he could have survived Officer Allen emphasized how important it is to be careful with ice activities.   • Have a minimum of 4” of clear ice.   • ALWAYS WEAR A LIFE JACKET   • Always have another person with you. • Have a throwable flotation device, a rope and ice awls Mike Harcher Game Report HB-...