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December's County Leauge Highlights

2017 preliminary statewide bear harvest for the four-day main season was 1,796 which is a 30% decrease from the 2016 season

The following electronic devices were recently approved and are now lawful for hunting. This was published in the Nov 18, Pennsylvania Bulletin.
• Electronic decoys for hunting waterfowl.
• Electronic dove decoys, solely for hunting doves.
• Electronically heated scent or lure dispensers.
• Electronic devices that distribute ozone gas for scent control

As the law is currently written, it is unlawful to use tracking dogs to track wounded or dead deer.  The current legislation proposed is Senate bill 135 which would amend title 34 to make this activity lawful.  It is my understanding that previous legislation has passed the house but not the senate.  The logistics of fees, lists of handlers etc. would have to be worked out when the legislation is passed.

2018 League dues are due by the end of 2017
Copper $50         Silver $150          Platinum $250
Bronze $100        Gold $ 200


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