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Checking In email

Due to fixing emails I am posting an email I just sent out to the membership:

Hello All,

I am emailing you to check in for the month of November.

November and Decembers Meeting: will be held on the Third Thursday of the month starting at 7PM

Renewals: are officially closed. If you or someone you know did not get your renewal in please make sure to contact me on what the next steps are for you to become a member. Even though there currently are openings for "new members" do not assume you will be able to renew, as stated in your renewal letter and online you will be treated as a new member and be placed on the waiting list and will be taken as a first come first serve basis.

Those of you who have not signed the range rules: I have contacted you and I am still waiting for the forms back. If I do not receive the signed forms by meeting night action will be taken place.

Emails: I have officially updated our email list. I thought after four years it was time :) Because of this you or someone may be receiving emails someplace you may not want, no longer receiving emails, or may be receiving emails and not want to. If any of these are the case please make sure to contact me and I will fix this. I have tried over the past four years to change emails on my membership list as have been asked and removed emails as have been asked however with so many members sometimes it is missed.  We currently have 251 emails for our membership which is a little over half, this is amazing and I thank you all for this, it enables us to touch base more often!

With archery season coming to an end and rifle season started soon please all shoot straight and enjoy your time in the woods!

I wish your family and you a great Thanksgiving!



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