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County Leauge Highlights

Fish WCO Jeremy Allen was assigned duty for a couple of weeks in Texas after Hurricane Harvey. He has advanced training in Swift Water Recuse and is a member of that team.

Special guests Kim Tesla, Sandy Egly, and Deborah DeCostro

Introductory Youth Archery every Thursday evening 6pm until whenever the archer wants to leave. No experience necessary and equipment will be provided. There is no charge for this program. Sometimes we have 30 kids at this shoot. • You don’t have to be a member of the club to participate

HUNTER EDUCATION - George Sullivan • Upcoming Hunters Education Classes:

 9/16  Concord United Methodist Church   9:00am - 4:00pm

 9/23  New Salem Presbyterian Church   9:00am - 4:00pm 

9/28-29 Church of the Nazarene, New Brighton  5:30pm - 9:00pm

 9/30  Beaver County Conservation District  9:00am - 4:00pm

  9/30  Midland Sportsmen’s Club   9:00am - 4:00pm 

10/19-20 Marion Hill Sportsmen’s Club   5:30pm - 9:00pm

 10/26-27 Big Knob Grange    5:30pm - 9:00pm 

11/8-9 Concord United Methodist Church  6:00pm - 9:30pm


• 2017 dates for the Controlled Goose hunt.

• Youth Hunts - Oct 28 & (Nov 4 if needed)

• Adults Hunts - Oct 30, Nov 3, 4, 6, 9, 13, 17.

 • Must have your hunting license, Federal Duck Stamp and Migratory Bird Stamp.

 • Can pick up applications at the Ice Arena.

• Rich will check with Tim Ishman to see if it’s OK to put the application on the league’s website.

 • Youth Pheasant Hunt, Oct 7, Raccoon State Park. Registration online

• Both events require a significant amount of help. Please contact Rich Kerlin for information at:   724-601-6974  or

YOUTH FIELD DAY - Youth Foundation / Jerry Hooks

• 77 kids, 40 parents, 62 workers. We fed and took care of 179 people that day.
• Each kid received a flashlight. We also had 66 other prizes that were donated.

 • We solicited prizes, water etc. from different clubs and individuals. We also received donations from some of these folks

 • Total event expenses were $2,204.30. With donations and earnings from the event we were able to return the initial $3,000 we requested from the league plus $31.70.

• Jerry - EHD (epizootic hemorrhagic disease) seems to be expanding in our area. We have serious problem. They’re finding dead bucks everywhere. Estimates as high as 2,500 deer have died of EHD in Beaver County alone.

• Tony - Hereford Manor Lake update. Everything is in place to move forward. We’re trying to get the money released for the study, cost and design, which is the first step. But only because of the budget stalemate it’s not moving



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