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Beaver County Sportsmen's Conservation League Report for January

Beaver County Sportsmen's Conservation League Report for January

Green valley Joined the league 

Game Game lands 173 stocked pheasants (2 hatcheries closed) South west game farm not yet effected)
170,000 pheasants released this year down from over 200,000 (proposed pheasant hunting permit $20)
Eagle Cam in York county is active (Privately funded) 3 eagle’s nests in Beaver county are active
Public hearings just finished for in site for semi auto hunting regulations

Fish Pittsburgh boat show 13,14,15 basic boating course will be held
Tristate outdoor expo Jan. 27,28,29th at the David L Lawrence convention center
Fish and boat commission recommends min 4” of ice
April 8th mentored youth trout fishing
First day of trout April 15th
March 1st Crappie regulations go into effect on Pymingtuning

Fishing Derby April 29th League upped the stocking to $750 (stocking 27th)

Archery Tuesday 6:30 Beaver valley archer’s indoor shoots $7
Archery in the school’s program jan 14th

Legislative Push for nationwide Reciprocity

Hunters Ed. Classes are signing up for 2017 now 605 signed up this year 73 took cable restraints

Anyone with extra meat Pastor Bob Concord church Feb 3rd and 4th

Conservation District Pipeline is going through the property budget down 12%

Banquet March 4th, help pay for second amendment rally.

Herford Manor
Aaron Burnstine is writing a letter to release the money from escrow from the procreations committee to do a cost study and feasibility study on the lake.
On the boater registration where it asks how many gallons of gas do you use be honest. That money goes from a Marine tax this does not cost the owner anything but it allows the money to be moved from the gas tax to go to the Fish Commission for High Hazard dams.


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