Obedience Classes offered for your sub-compact or compact pistol We will cover home and range safety rules, types of pistols, type of sights training the mind, sight picture, grip and the promotion of basic shooting skill at 7yd.s Classes will be conducted under the NRA range rules of organized pistol shooting at the KBBSA indoor Range. The classes will be on the first and third Thursday of each month starting on Thursday, February 16, 2017 at 7:00 PM Attend as many classes that you feel you need to train your pistol. For more information please call Dewey at 724-758-5102 *You will need (lead bullet) ammo, eye protection, ear protection and a hat. There will be a small fee for class materials Located at Koppel Big Beaver Sportsmen's Assoc. 665 Norwood Drive Koppel, Pa 16136