Date: 4.28.2016
Koppel-Big Beaver Sportsmen’s Association
County League:
- Fishing Derby April 30
- Camp dead line May 14
- There will be a Hunters Ed class at KBBSA on June 23.
- Turkey Shoots
- $834.94 was the profit made on the turkey shoots.
- The last night we had two money rounds one shoot’s prize was $50 and the second shoot’s prize was $150.
- Cell Tower
- The placement of the tower is being discussed.
- Property Purchase
- Currently the sales agreement is being looked at by our attorney.
- Self-Protection for Woman
- Three gun safety instruction classes for 2hr were held on April 1,8,15 (five ladies attended.)
- Next class is May 22 at 2pm
New Business:
- Self-Protection for Woman
- June 12 is the following class
- WCO Yeck
- WCO Yeck has sighted 6 individuals for riding ATV’s on our property.
- WCO Yeck was here to discuss a license increase.
- Ev Gower made a motion to draft up a preliminary letter for Senate bill 1166 seconded by Linda Wachter.:Passed
- Shawn Cox made a motion to send an email to the county league stating that our club agreed to the bills, Skip Veiock :Passed
- Boy Scouts Troop 407
- A motion was made by Jimmy Skoczylas to allow the troop to camp out on our property, for a weekend, with the range closed on the Saturday seconded by Linda Wachter: Passed
- A motion was made by Ev Gower to reimburse Shawn Cox $54.06 seconded by Linda Watcher: Passed
- Ev Gower made a motion to purchase a respirator for Shawn Cox to use while cleaning the floors seconded by Linda Watcher. Passed
New Members:
Mike Rambo
Ryan Bouts
Ron McDanel
Dan Beltz
Ron Kydd
Zach Young
David Kydd
Alex Hoyle
made a motion to accept the seven new members and Wayne
Hoschar seconded it: Passed.
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