- 2nd Amendment Rally May 24, Free to go, see Shawn Cox for information.
- April 30th Fishing Derby
- Camp deadline May 14
Old business:
- Self-Protection for Woman
- No one came this month
- Turkey Shoots
- 1199.06 was the profit made on the turkey shoots
- Cell Tower
- The tower will be placed beside our observation tower.
- We currently have a lease and an addendum in hand.
- Our income once the tower is up and running will be $600.
- If we choose the company agreed to lay down the tower for us.
- A motion was made by Jim Quinn to build the tower seconded by Dick Logan: Passed
- Jim Quinn made a motion to have Jerry Tillia sign the lease seconded by Wayne Hoschar
- Dinner
- Expenses $1507.27
- Income $1220.00
- 99 people
- Range Lights
- Are installed
- Jessica Tressler was reimbursed $582.99
New Business:
- A Motion was made by Bud Hackott to reimburse Walt Kazenski $134.68 for parts for the bathroom and range second by Jimmy Skoczylas.
- Property
- 21 acres by the turnpike is for sale, gas rights will be kept, $60,000
- Ev Gower made a motion to purchase the property seconded by Linda Watcher.: Passed
- Jim Quinn made a motion to have Jerry Tillia to sign all the legal documents seconded by Linda Watcher. Passed
- Self-Protection for women
- Aril 24 and May 22
- Turkey Shoots
- Starts April 6
- Upper Range
- The Upper Range will be closed on April 1, 9-1 for a Police department to qualify.
Joe Main
Clayton Lewis
Todd Pohski
Randy Allen
Rob Parks
David Huffman
Ed Bennethum made a motion to accept the six new members
and Linda Watcher
seconded it:
50/50 won by Carol Taylor for $32
Motion made by Alex Hoyle and seconded by Jim Tillia: Passed
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