County League: 2 nd Amendment Rally May 24, Free to go, see Shawn Cox for information. April 30th Fishing Derby Camp deadline May 14 Old business: Self-Protection for Woman No one came this month Turkey Shoots 1199.06 was the profit made on the turkey shoots Cell Tower The tower will be placed beside our observation tower. We currently have a lease and an addendum in hand. Our income once the tower is up and running will be $600. If we choose the company agreed to lay down the tower for us. A motion was made by Jim Quinn to build the tower seconded by Dick Logan: Passed Jim Quinn made a motion to have Jerry Tillia sign the lease seconded by Wayne Hoschar Dinner Expenses $1507.27 Income $1220.00 99 people Range Lights Are installed Jessica Tressler was reimbursed $582.99 New Business: A Motion was made by Bud Hackott to reimburse Walt Kazenski $134.68 for parts for the ba...