August Meeting Highlights There was a problem on our outdoor range. The officers also discussed the by-law changes: It was anonymous amongst them to recommend not to have any by-law changes. Scholarship: we had two applicant, the officers are recommending giving out both scholarships and next year to relook at the scholarship process. A correspondences was sent threw an email, It needs to be brought to the attention that what is placed on the website are highlights not official minutes. The range back stops are now rebuilt. Cell Tower A zoning meeting is scheduled for September 6. By-Law Changes Please see attached paper for what the by-law is currently and the purposed changed. Ev Grower made a motion to make the purposed change and seconded by Anthony Belczyk: Discussion All in favor: 1, All opposed: 16, Motion fails. Hats and Shirts They are still for sale. Please see Shawn Cox or come to a meet...