July's minutes
Officers Report:
· Walt Kazenski: six of the eight cameras are up and running. Currently the camera project is done until future need of cameras.
· Bud
Hacket: found the information out about the Cleveland Outdoor show,
this information will be placed in with the renewal letter to find the
interest from the club members.
County League:
· Ohio River Trail is purposed to come into the area.
· Conservation camp: there were 32 campers and 16 counselors everything went well.
· Hunters education: there are five classes scheduled currently
· Youth Field day: will be held 7/18/15
· August
there will be an online site to take donations for the Hereford Manor
Lake renovation. The site will be given at the next county league
· If
you would like to see the minutes please contact Shawn Cox or go to the
County League’s website
Old business:
- Walt Kazenski was reimbursed for the camera’s: $974.87
- Shawn Cox was reimbursed for the youth field day door prizes: $69.90
- Jessica Tressler was reimbursed for the key’s and offices supplies:$256.87
- Audit
- It is believed that we have a Geneva Accounting Student to do our audit everything will be moving forward in the current future.
- · Pipe line
o The pipe line has currently changed their route. If anything changes it will be relayed to the membership.
New Business:
· Game Dinner for the county League:
o The club will have to provide the condiments, dinnerware, and drinks.
o October 2 is the purposed date.
o All the details will be ironed out.
o Ev
Gower made a motion to have the dinner on October 2 and the club will
provide the condiments, dinnerware, and drinks Dick Logan seconded:
· Woman self defense class
o August 28
o Starts at 6:45
o Free
o Ages 14 and up
o Contact Ev Gower
o Shawn Cox made a motion seconded by Linda Watcher: Passed.
· NRA Dues are Due
o Bud Sheeler made a motion to join the NRA for Five years at the cost of $150 Alex Hoyle second: Passed.
Next meeting will be held on Aug 27 at 7pm
Reminder Dues are due by September 30
Reminder Dues are due by September 30
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