February Minutes
- Cleveland Outdoor Show Trip
- The trip will cost $20 a person for the ride and $10 a person for the ticket.
- Turkey Shoots
- Will be healed April 1 -22
- Wednesday’s at 7pm
- Dinner
- March 7th at 5:00pm
- 60 people have RSVP so far.
- Friday March 6th at 5:00pm work night
- Distance marker for indoor range
- Anthony Belczyk did the research for the distance markers for the inside of the club house.
- Will have a written estimate next meeting
- Filters for inside of the club house
- Need to look on internet for filters
- Audit
- Paperwork will be given to Ron Montgomery tonight for 2010
New Business:
- Alex Hoyle made a motion to buy 100 keys second by Don Sapp: Passed
- Insurance
- Was due $502.46
- Jerry Tillia Paid the insurance a motion was made by Brian Keener and seconded by Wayne Hochar to repay Jerry Tillia. Passed
- A reminder is made that NO ATV’S are allowed on the club property. However, ATV’s have been sited on the outdoor range please watch out for them.
New Members:
John Baker
Jamie Macon
Lee Doran
Amber Lutes
James Cory
Ev Gower
made a motion to accept the seven new members and Wayne
seconded it: Passed.
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