- Trap House
- The door is in the process of being put in.
- We will be ordering the key system parts to place on the trap house.
- It is reminded that you will need to go through a brief safety course before your key will be turned on too access the trap house.
- Indoor Range
- The indoor range is now able to be used and has had a complete makeover.
- Remember where the string is on the back stop is where the targets should be hung.
- Outdoor Rage
- There were four backstops bought for the outdoor range.
- We will be placing these backstops as a trial and error (to see how well they hold up) for our outdoor range.
- These back stops cannot be used for shotguns or shotgun slugs.
- Key 1775 was shut off.
- The Gentleman was in tonight and was told to return at an officers meeting
- His key will remain off until he comes to an officers meeting.
- NRA Pistol Class
- Went really well
- Pistol Practice
- Went really well
- July’s practice will be moved to July 13.
- Gate
- Two 12 foot gates will be installed.
- One will be a manual gate (that will give us extra space if needed); the other gate will be the electrical and entrance gate.
- They will be steel gates with KBBSA paced within the gate.
- Linda Watcher made a motion to purchase the gate and instillation. Seconded by Ev Gower.: Passed
- Don Sapp made a motion to allow Director Larry Tooch to sign the contract with Penn Fencing for the new gate. Seconded by Dick Logan : Passed
- Tables
- Jimmy Skoczylas made a motion to buy two 8 foot plastic tables and seconded by Linda Watcher: Passed
- Thank you to Ray Lindsey for weed eating around the building.
New Members:
Wayne Hoschar
made a motion to accept the one new members and Ev Gower
it: Passed.
have a wonderful Holiday!
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