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Showing posts from July, 2014

May's Minutes

Trap House The door is in the process of being put in. We will be ordering the key system parts to place on the trap house. It is reminded that you will need to go through a brief safety course before your key will be turned on too access the trap house. Indoor Range The indoor range is now able to be used and has had a complete makeover. Remember where the string is on the back stop is where the targets should be hung.   Outdoor Rage There were four backstops bought for the outdoor range. We will be placing these backstops as a trial and error (to see how well they hold up) for our outdoor range. These back stops cannot be used for shotguns or shotgun slugs. Key 1775 was shut off. The Gentleman was in tonight and was told to return at an officers meeting His key will remain off until he comes to an officers meeting. NRA Pistol Class Went really well   Pistol Practice ...