- Big Knob Fair
- We are in profit territory for the tickets!
- If anyone would like to help at the fair please contact Rex Walter
- The fair runs August 28-September 1
- Koppel Centennial
- Rex Walter and Larry Tooch sold tickets; all went well.
- Our $100 free to place an ad in the program was reimbursed due to our ad not being placed in the program.
- Bill Bacic made a motion to donate the reimbursed money to the Koppel fire department seconded by Ed Bennethem. Passed
- Practical for shooting women
- A really good turn out his month.
- 14 participants, three of which were newcomers
- Next practice September 15th 12pm-2pm
- Chippewa Church
- Would like to use our outdoor range for practice for their security team.
- The outdoor range will be closed on Monday 27 at 6pm
- NRA safety Course
- Will be held on September 8
- If you are interested in becoming a NRA Safety officer please contact EV Grower by August 24
- Turkey Shoots
- Pete Neff made a motion to have our fall turkey shoots seconded by Shawn Cox: Passed
- The first shoot will start on September 12 starting at 7pm
- Details will follow.
- Fundraiser Ideas
- Suggestion: make a package out of a shoulder mount, and a deer process and bow.
- A motion was made by Wayne Hochar to proceeded with the fundraiser idea seconded by Dean Schuller: Passed
New Members:
Michael Dehaven
Randy Lowers
John Trozzo
David Namola
David Fatula
Adam Trozzo
Penny Krohve
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