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Showing posts from 2018

Game from KBBSA

I would like to congratulate Rich Couch for getting a turkey off of club property!

October Highlights

Turned target backers over A monitor was donated for the security system. Cleaning house   Rubber totes will be bought for paper work. We no longer belong to the County League; dues were never paid in January.   Pop Machine: Number of people have been notified about the problems we are having, hopefully will be resolved in the near future.   Haunted House: went really well, Can Goods will be given to the United Methodist Church in Koppel.   Rifle Team: Anyone wanting to join the rifle team please contact Bud Sheeler. No dues are needed. New members: Seth Stowe Douglas Abbott Michael Walrond Mike Powell Eugene Powell Richard Kazenski Reminder November's meeting is the 3rd Thursday of the month

Fearscape at Koppel

For KBBSA members if you bring your key fob kids will get in free! 6-7 is kid friendly hour. Adults $12.00 Kids from 6-7pm $5 after 7pm $12. Bring a can good take $2 off your admission.  Check out for more info

August Meeting Highlights

August Meeting Highlights Table Door was fixed The lights are all up and working well Cell Tower No news Turkey Shoots Boards are fixed Materials will be bought and taken care of. Turkey Shoots start September 12. Sign up will be at 6:00, shooting will start once full. County League Looking into PA Federation of Sportsmen’s club of Lawrence County.

Wrong Address

Hello All, I am missing contact information for these three members: Amanda Koleman, George Lavrich, and William Bennett. If you or any one reading this knows these members please contact me. I have had your renewal form sent back with out a Forwarding address. JJT

June Highlights and Reminder

June Highlights Tax Bill: A Motion was made to pay Anett Carbis Toothman $1450 for preparing our taxes: Passed A motion was made to purchase office supplies: Passed Reminder: The club renewals have been mailed out. If you have not received them yet please keep waiting, I have found that it will take up to two weeks for some to receive the forms. In the meantime it is reminded that you can renew online!

March Highlights

Gate is down again. Cell Tower: Borough is waiting on cell tower. Cell tower people have been on property going over plans. Floor scrubber: The batteries will be looked at for purchase. Steel post markers are bought and here. Farm and Game: Everything is the same except pheasant stalking. The club will be hosting a Haunted House in the fall. The audit came back, and everything was ok

February Highlights

Bids for the indoor range ducted work are being taken. Tractor: A motion was made to reimburse Jarrett Wagner for tractor tires: Passed Haunted House : An idea for this fall was brought up to have a haunted house on our property. The gentleman that brought the idea up is asked to come to the next meeting with his ideas.