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Showing posts from July, 2017

May Highlights

A new filter system will be looked into.   LED Lights just came in.   Cell Tower No update Wildlife Leadership School We gave Hana Dean a scholarship for the wildlife leadership school It is her and our hope that at next month’s meeting she will be here to give us a presentation. Shirts It was brought to our attention that we need hats; prices will be looked into until September.

June's County League Minutes

June's County League Minutes Game Please don’t disturb the wildlife. It can be a fine of up to $1500 per animal. Game Commission and Game commission are working together to restore difficult to manage lowlands into roughed grouse and woodcock habitat. 320 lb male black bear caught in midland. It was released in Westmoreland county and was caught a week later getting into people’s yards. 3% all black bear in the world in PA. and 6% of all the bears harvested in the world are in PA Fish PFB working on cleaning up abandoned boats on the Ohio river Camp Currently have 50 confirmed kids Rally Sent 3 buses 92 from beaver county and 132 totals including northside sportsman club 186 total attended the rally. 54% of attendees from beaver county 75% adding Northside Sportsman’s.   Sheriff Tony Guy and 20 other county Sheriffs from across the state come to support the rally. Youth foundation Sept 16 th clays shoot June 24 th 10 am-4 pm kids extravaganza at...