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Showing posts from June, 2016

May Meeting Highlights

Building Committee Report: There is a new reader on the gate. County League: 153 kids attended the fishing derby. Conservation camp is full (48 kids). Second Amendment rally. 146 people went. Old business: Self-Protection for women No one came for our May class. Cell Tower We are currently on the fourth move of the tower Property purchase Title search was completed. Possible closing next week Tax’s Paid our tax preparation $1600   New Business: A motion was made by Ev Gower to reimburse Shawn Cox $27.93 for cleaner for the floor and a new mop head seconded by: Jim Quinn, Passed. Five Points Hunting Club They are sponsoring a “Hunt for a Lifetime” In order to sponsor the “Hunt for a lifetime”   they are putting on a shoot and asking for donations to sponsor a target for $100 A Motion was made by Jim Quinn and seconded by Bud Hackett to sponsor a target: Passed Scholarship It ...