Following the pledge to the flag the meeting was called to order by Jerry Tillia at 7:05PM, total in attendance was 36 including 8 officers. A motion was made by Linda Watcher and seconded by Shawn Cox to accept the reading of July’s minutes. Passed Officers Report: Ed Mangerie: Camp Perry, Rene Baldwin won two metals and Isaac Deangelis won one metal County League: Youth foundation is hosting its first annual 100 target sporting clay event at Rochester Club 9/12/2015 Youth pheasant hunt will be at Raccoon State Park on October 10, 2015 If you would like to see the minutes please contact Shawn Cox or go to the County League’s website ( Old business: Game Dinner October 2, 2015 at 6:00pm A post card will be sent out within the next few weeks. As a member you can bring yourself and two guests however, it is fi...