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Showing posts from November, 2014

July's Minutes

Date: 7/24/14 Building Committee Report:           Targets: All the targets were installed on the outdoor range. A few days after the targets were installed some targets were destroyed. It is reminded that NO SHOTGUNS OR SHOTGUN SLUGS can be used on these targets!   Email that was received Wanted to thank all the officers and directors for everything they do and that the back stops and the road look great. Gate We are still on the waiting list for our gate to be installed Indoor Range Is rented on August 9 th Pistol Practice Date for August soon to be announce It is a reminder that we do not allow ATV’s on the club property. New Members: Raymond Wolf III Peter Barney Jimmy Skoczylas made a motion to accept the two new members and Linda Watcher seconded it: Passed. 50/50 won by Bud Hacket for $20

Junes Minutes

Date: 6/26/14 Officers Report: Ed Mangerie: Shot the new backstop material on the rifle range with a muzzleloader. The material held up well.  Feedback from the membership has been positive. Larry Tooch: The Company that plans to install our gate has us next on their list for installation. Ladies Rifle and Pistol Practice June had 8 participants.   Picnic Shelter is rented on July 11 from 4pm to dark. New Members: One new member application was received, but will be voted on at the next meeting. 50/50 won by Jimmy Skoczylas for $22

Septembers Minutes

Date: 9/25/14 Gate Please do not stop in the line of the gate closer. We are in the processes of getting an eye, so the gate will stay open while cars drive through. The gate swings towards you coming in the gate. Ladies Pistol Practice September’s practice is complete and had three participants ·          Turkey shoots o    Prizes were purchased at Jefferson Poultry o    September 17 shoot had 8 full rounds and a money round. o    September 24 shoot had 10 full rounds and a money round (with a gross of $342) o    Numbers where purchased to replace the numbers on the range. ·          Rifle Team Dues and Door Prize o    Bud Sheeler made a motion to pay the rifle team dues, $20, seconded by Wayne Hochar. Passed o    Bud Sheeler made a motion to donate $50 for the rifle team door prize seco...