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Showing posts from 2014

Christmas Party 2014

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November's Minutes

Date: 11/20/14 Building Committee Report:         Gate: the company did come back and readjusted the gate. We are considering looking into getting the second side of the gate to open automatically.     Old business: Turkey Shoot Last shoot was held last night. There is discussion of having a spring turkey shoot   Discussion about replacing pictures on the wall was held. Ev Grower made a motion about having a committee to handle framing and replacing the pictures. Carl Taylor made a second: Passed. Audit Committee Ronald Montgomery Ev Grower New Business: Discussion of buying a heater for the kitchen New Members: Mike Radaker Jeffery Kohlman Anthony Belczyk Ryan Christy Matthew Christy Bryan Ivan Larry Dolenak Jr. Alex Hoyle made a motion to accept the seven new members and Jimmy Skoczylas seconded it: Passed. Have a Wonderful Thanks Giving and...

Christmas Party

You are invited to a Christmas Party! When:            December 14, 2014                         2pm-4pm Where:              Koppel- Big Beaver Sportsmen ’ s Association Sponsored By:   The Members of KBBSA Who's Invited:   All Club Members!   Your Children and grandchildren!   Children can also bring a friend! We would ask that members donate a sweet holiday treat (cookies etc.) for everyone to enjoy at the party.   Please RSVP by December 8, 2014 at 724-652-9758 or email at We will need the ages of all children 12 and under and if the child is a girl or a boy, for a special holiday present!   

July's Minutes

Date: 7/24/14 Building Committee Report:           Targets: All the targets were installed on the outdoor range. A few days after the targets were installed some targets were destroyed. It is reminded that NO SHOTGUNS OR SHOTGUN SLUGS can be used on these targets!   Email that was received Wanted to thank all the officers and directors for everything they do and that the back stops and the road look great. Gate We are still on the waiting list for our gate to be installed Indoor Range Is rented on August 9 th Pistol Practice Date for August soon to be announce It is a reminder that we do not allow ATV’s on the club property. New Members: Raymond Wolf III Peter Barney Jimmy Skoczylas made a motion to accept the two new members and Linda Watcher seconded it: Passed. 50/50 won by Bud Hacket for $20

Junes Minutes

Date: 6/26/14 Officers Report: Ed Mangerie: Shot the new backstop material on the rifle range with a muzzleloader. The material held up well.  Feedback from the membership has been positive. Larry Tooch: The Company that plans to install our gate has us next on their list for installation. Ladies Rifle and Pistol Practice June had 8 participants.   Picnic Shelter is rented on July 11 from 4pm to dark. New Members: One new member application was received, but will be voted on at the next meeting. 50/50 won by Jimmy Skoczylas for $22