The outside gate was temporarily not working. The gate is now working, however if the gate is not working please go to the inside of the gate reader and swipe your card there. Poker Shoot The poker shoots will be held on the third Sunday of January, February and March at 1:00pm Turkey Shoots The turkey shoots are completed for this year The turkey shoots went really well with approximately 11 rounds every night. It was agreed that this year’s turkey shoot was one of the best so far. Thank you to all who helped and attended. Christmas Party Pictures with Santa Sweet treats Children ages 12 and younger December15 from 2pm-4pm Please remember to RSVP with children’s ages by December 2. (If you as a member are coming without a child you do not need to RSVP) Ham Shoot April 12, 2014 at 1:00pm Shawn Cox made a motion to buy the prizes seconded by Ev Gower: Passed Rifle Team o The rifle ...