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Showing posts from February, 2013

February's Meeting

Just a Reminder February's meeting will be held on February 28 at 7pm

Poker Shoot

Poker Shoot

January's Meeting Highlights

Practical Shooting for Women and the men and Women Pistol Practice (Ev Gower) Held on January 19 on the indoor range. Practical Shooting for Women had 14 participants and the Men and Women practice had 5.   Several were newcomers. Practice went well and many of the newcomers said they will be back. A few of the participants had trouble finding lead ammo, but luckily some of the other participants had extra ammo to sell.   For this reason and because it got a little smoky with 7 shooters on the line (even with the fans on) we would like to shoot outside starting next month if the temperature is 32 or above. Our next practice is scheduled for Feb. 16.   Ladies starting at noon. Guys & Gals at 2pm. Thanks, as always, to the club for hosting these practices that are open to anyone in the community.   Poker Shoot (Rene Baldwin) 22 Shooters Winners took home $23.00 There was a profit of $141 Thanks for all of you who helped Next Shoot February 10 ...

Decembers Meeting Highlights

  Poker Shoot Went really well There was 19 shooters January 13 is the next poker shoot at 2:00pm Held indoors Christmas Party 72 people including 32 kids A picture of all children was taken with Santa. Pictures are on Facebook be sure to look The total cost for the Christmas party $1046.98        Practical shooting for woman and men Jan. 19, Feb. 16, Mar. 16   Practical Shooting for Women 12 - 2 pm Guys and Gals Pistol Practice 2 - 4 pm Insurance Is due $467.58 A motion was made by Don Sapp and seconded by Richard Strealy: Passed Dinner Renee Baldwin votes to have the dinner on March 2 2013 second by Larry Tooch: Passed

November Meeting Highlights

The ditch for the electric was put in, thank you to those who helped. There are two polls donated to our club for the trap range. If anyone has any ideas on how to hall these lease let us know. The club is also in need of I beams for the outdoor rang to continue our wall.     Turkey Shoots The turkey shoots are done for the year. Thank you to those who helped make this possible. Poker Shoots We are looking into doing four poker shoots on the second Sundays for the months of January to March(2pm) December’s poker shoot will be Dec 2 at 2:00pm The poker shoot will be held inside Ev Gower made a motion to hold the poker shoots second by Wayne Hoshar to have four poker shoots: Passed   Practical for shooting women/ Practical shooting for men and women Nine women participated in the practical shooting for women while three people participated in the practical shooting for men and women Christmas party December 9 between 2pm-4pm P...

October meeting Highlights

Date: 10/25/12 Practical shooting for women Six participants Please see attached sheet for more information The next practice will be November 10 at the indoor rang There will be a practical pistol practice for both men and women after the practical shooting for women Turkey shoot A steady eight rounds each week We have two more shoots     Bud Sheeler made a motion to buy a gun work gun ticket gun seconded by Ed Bennethem: Passed Travis Jeffries will be looking for prices and guns (Please see him if you have suggestions) ·          Poker shoot o    Rene Baldwin will be working on ideas for a poker shoot.