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Showing posts from December, 2011


Hello everyone, Today's update is a little off base. Well in actuality a lot off base. I am sure if most of you follow my Facebook statuses you have notice a "coupon roundup" as I call it. I figured I would take time and explain what this all was and ask if anyone is interested in helping. I understand that this is not club related, however, it is the holliday season!   One of the blogs that I read on an everyday basis ~ Couponing to Disney ~ brought this to my attention. I then shared it with my friends and we know have a very productive coupon round up going on. Here are the "need to knows" Expired coupons up to six months old can be used by military families.  Each coupon must be cut and sorted into two categories, food and non-food. After the coupons are cut and sorted they then must be counted to give a dollar amount. Once they are counted, the coupons are placed in a plastic bag; a paper is filled out and then our coupons and paper is shipped...

Club Rented

Hello Everyone, I wanted to remind you that the club will be rented on December 31. This means the club house will be closed. Please take note of any signs that might be up during this time. Reminder, if the sign states the range is closed please respect the sign and do not use it! Also, please check back on the calendar for additional rental dates!


Hello Everyone, I wanted to remind you that the club will be rented on December 24. This means the club house will be closed. Please take note of any signs that might be up during this time. Reminder, if the sign states the range is closed please respect the sign and do not use it! Also, please check back on the calendar for additional rental dates!

Hunting Gallery

Hey Everyone, I am sorry to bombard you with emails today but I updated our website and wanted to let everyone know. I added all the Meeting Highlights and updated our application page, by-laws page and added a "hunting gallery". Please feel free to browse threw our web page and send me an email from your hunting season I will be more than happy to place it on our website!

Meeting Highlight's

Date: 12/15/11 Building Committee Report The floor: The floor is holding up really well. The floor also moped up really easy Belting: Kerry Cole will be dropping of belting for the club soon. Old business: Work Ticket Gun   Bids will be taken after the holidays for the gun. Christmas Party 85 kids and adults attended the party 36 kids attended the party The party went really well. Pictures were taken with Santa by Sawn Cox. Total cost of the Party $730.73 The club is rented December 24 and December 31 . New Members: Kenneth Hydr, Evelyn Gower, Travis Bailey, John Mansell, Jason Chalupiak Jimmy Skoczylas made a motion to accept the five new members and Bud Hackett seconded it: Passed. Just wanted to wish everyone a Happy Holliday and good luck in muzzleloader season!

Meeting Highlight's

Date: 11/17/11 Trap House   If someone would like to try it out please contact an officer until we have the key situation under control. By-Laws, constitution, house rules and range rules Jimmy S made a motion to pass the newly advised by-laws, constitution, house rules and range rules seconded by Woody Hazen. Passe Rifle Team Completed their season…Great job guys! New Members: Rick Smith, John Smith, Thomas Grossman Woody Hazen made a motion to accept these three members seconded by Jimmy S. Just wanted to wish everyone a Happy Thanksgiving and a great hunting season!

Meeting Highlight's

Date: 10.27.11 We have received belting for the range. It is hopeful that the belting will be placed on the range soon. Trap range is ready to go. Decisions that still need made: how we will issue keys. Work ticket gun Kelly Newman will be in charge of getting bids on a gun. Poker Shoot Kelly Newman will be reimbursed $41.67. The shoot grossed a total of $248.55, leaving a net of $162.35. Kelly Newman made a motion to accept the attorneys recommendations on the changes of the constitution, by-laws, and house rules seconded by Dean Schuller: Passed 501-C4 Discussion on the 501-C4 statues and the attorney’s recommendations was held. New Members Officers are recommending that, for an applicant   to join the club, the applicant and sponsor must be present to introduce themselves in order to receive their key and the application should have a signature line stating they have received the by-laws, constitution, house rules, and range rules. It is noted that ...

Meeting Highlight's

Date: 9/22/11 Gas Lease Officers all agreed to hire an attorney to review the gas lease. Shell is the best gas lease presented to us. The attorney is also reviewing our constitution and by-laws Turkey shoot First shoot: five rounds Second shoot: ten rounds They are going very well Poker Shoot Targets are ordered, and food is bought Shooting will start at 2:00 PM Membership requirements Attorney brought up that he feels with our bylaws that we do not have to put a hold on membership; however membership requirements still need set. Woody Hazen made a motion to accept into the club, the people that were told they could join in September for a full year seconded by Jimmy Skoczylas. Passed   Range Rules Kelly Newman made a motion to keep outdoor and indoor range rules as is seconded by Bud Hackett. By-laws and Constitution Attorney made suggestions on the by-laws and constitution. Kelly Newman made a motion to accept the attorneys suggestions for th...

Club Meeting

Hey everyone! Happy Holiday's! Just wanted to remind everyone due to Christmas tonight is the monthly club meeting. The meeting will start at 7:00pm. Hope to see you there!

Christmas Party

Just a reminder for those of you who signed up for the Chrismtas Party, it is tomorrow! Make sure to bring your Christmas Cheer! We hope to see you there! HO HO HO HO!

Christmas Party

Hello Everyone, I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving and is enjoying deer season! I would like to remind everyone of the Christmas party the club is having this Sunday. If you know a child that would like to attend please email me ASAP so we can get them on our list! The Koppel Big Beaver Sportsmen’s Association is proud to sponsor a Christmas Party Who is invited:         ALL Club Members and their    Family!   ALSO : Any child under the age of 12 may bring a friend! When :                      December 11, 2011                                 2pm-4pm Where:                     Koppel- Big ...